गायत्री मंत्र, जिसे सावित्री मंत्र के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, ऋग्वेद का एक अत्यंत पूजनीय मंत्र है जो वैदिक देवी सावित्री को समर्पित है।
माना जाता है कि गायत्री मंत्र का जाप करने से जीवन में सफलता और खुशियां आती हैं। नियमित रूप से गायत्री मंत्र का जाप करने से मन मजबूत और स्थिर होता है। यह मंत्र पोषण देने वाले सूर्य और सर्वशक्तिमान ईश्वर दोनों के प्रति कृतज्ञता का प्रतीक है।।
The Gayatri Mantra, also known as the Savitri Mantra, is a highly revered mantra from the Rigveda, dedicated to the Vedic deity Savitri. Gayatri is the name of the goddess of the Vedic mantra in which the verse is composed. Its recitation is traditionally preceded by o and sutras, known as mahavyahuti, or "great (mystical) utterances". The Gayatri Mantra is widely cited in Vedic and post-Vedic texts, such as the Mantra List of the Sraut Liturgy, and classical Hindu texts such as the Bhagavad Gita, Harivamsa and Manusmriti. The mantra and its associated metric form were known by the Buddha, and in one sutra the Buddha is described as "expressing his admiration" for the mantra. The mantra is an important part of the Upanayana ceremony for young men in Hinduism and has long been recited by Dwij men as part of their daily rituals. Modern Hindu reform movements spread the practice of mantra to include women and all castes, and its use is now very widespread. It is considered one of the most important and powerful Vedic mantras.